Ensuring the alignment of goals and expectations between agencies and brands is key to delivering true value and success in the partnership. A recent research conducted by the team at WPROMOTE highlighted changes and challenges in brand/agency partnerships. The results from this survey were interesting in various ways. They spotlighted the top areas companies outsource to agency partners, with 41% outsourcing social media marketing and 36% outsourcing SEO and content marketing.

Many good data points should interest agencies and brands alike, and I encourage you to check them out. However, the area I’d like to focus on for this article is the apparent gap between the self-assessment agencies do when reviewing their own performance for clients and overall brand satisfaction.

According to this survey, agencies frequently report high confidence in their creativity, ROI demonstration, and overall service delivery. However, when brands are asked about their satisfaction with their agency partners in these areas, the responses are far less enthusiastic. 76% of agencies say they have high confidence in their service delivery. Still, just 39% of brands surveyed say they are very satisfied.

In every facet of service delivery surveyed, agencies routinely reported being very confident their clients were satisfied. Yet the difference between what the agencies reported and brands reporting being very satisfied ranged from 15% to 30%. What’s even more troubling than agencies and brands having such a huge discrepancy in confidence in delivery versus actual satisfaction in delivery is where those discrepancies are.


The ability to demonstrate ROI

63% of agencies stated they were very confident in this area. Only 33% of brands surveyed said they were very satisfied in this area.


Again, 63% of agencies said they were very confident in this area, while only 42% of brands said they were very satisfied in this area.

Frequency of Communication

68% of agencies felt very confident in this area, but just 44% of brands were very satisfied with their agency partner’s level and frequency of communication.

Speed of Delivery

65% of agencies were very confident in this area, yet only 41% of brands responded that they were very satisfied with their agency partner.


63% of agencies reported being very confident in their delivery of creative for clients, but just 40% of brands said they were very satisfied.


Why Do These Gaps Exist?


Seeing the gap between agency self-assessment and brand satisfaction, especially in areas brands stated were most important to them, doesn’t feel like a simple discrepancy. So, why do these gaps exist? One potential cause, and a common one, is a misalignment of expectations. Agencies could likely be judging and benchmarking their performance against industry standards, previous work, or both. At the same time, brands are focusing more on how well the agency’s work aligns with their specific business goals and needs.

Another primary reason these gaps exist is communication. 69% of brands prefer continuous, agile planning from their agency partners, yet only 55% of agencies said they engage in that kind of planning and communication process.


Closing the Satisfaction Gap


So, how do we close this satisfaction gap between agencies and brands? Here are actionable strategies to help foster a more collaborative relationship.   

1. Set Clear, Aligned Objectives

Start by setting clear, aligned objectives. Have open conversations about what success looks like from a creative and business standpoint. Ensure that the agency’s KPIs are directly tied to your business goals.

2. Prioritize Transparent Communication

Transparency is key. It’s not just about frequent communication but meaningful exchanges that help you understand the rationale behind strategies and decisions. This deeper level of insight will help you assess the real impact of your agency’s work.

3. Demand Accountability

Agencies should be held accountable for the results they promise. Review performance metrics regularly and ask for detailed explanations when necessary. This ensures that your agency’s efforts consistently align with your business objectives.

4. Regularly Assess the Relationship

As your business evolves, so should your agency relationship. Conduct regular assessments to ensure the partnership is still beneficial. If the agency is no longer meeting your needs, it might be time to explore other options.

5. Foster a Collaborative Environment

A successful partnership thrives on collaboration. Involve your agency in strategic discussions to help them better understand your business context. This collaboration can lead to more tailored and practical solutions.


“If everyone is moving forward together, then success takes care of itself.” — Henry Ford

The Bottom Line


While gaps between agency confidence and brand satisfaction can present challenges, they also provide valuable growth opportunities. By focusing on clear objectives, transparent communication, accountability, regular assessment, and collaboration, both agencies and brands can work together more effectively to close gaps and build a partnership that delivers long-lasting success.